Getting a shed permit allows you to overcome one of the biggest hurdles that can occur with getting a shed. Yet, questions often remain.
Do I always need a shed permit?
Are shed permits just for big buildings?
Can my HOA deny my approved shed permit?
These are some of the questions we often get when people get ready to purchase a shed. We cover all of this and more in this blog. So let’s get to it.
Do All Sheds Need A Permit In Wisconsin?

No. Not all sheds need a permit in the state of Wisconsin. Generally speaking, as long as your shed is 150 square feet or less, you will not need a permit.
Keep in mind that your HOA or municipality may have requirements on where your shed may need to be located on your property.
Who Do I Contact To Get A Shed Permit In Wisconsin?

There are three entities you may need to contact to get a shed permit. If you live in an HOA neighborhood, we recommend that you get in touch with that organization first. They will be able to tell you if there are any specifications for your neighborhood.
The next step would be to contact the local county office. They can tell you the overarching themes of what is acceptable to be built with or without a permit. Each county has its own specifications, so make sure that you check with them.
Lastly, check in with your specific municipality. Generally speaking, the municipal regulations will match what the rest of the county says. Yet, there are some variances in what your municipality may allow in comparison to the rest of the county.
What Is The Penalty If I Do Not Get A Shed Permit?

Not having a permit for your shed can result in fines, stop-work orders, or fines from your HOA. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can hold up your project or prevent it from being completed in a timely manner. It can also make it difficult to get approval for future projects, as your local government may not be as willing to work with your requests.
How Much Does A Shed Permit Cost?
Shed permit starting costs are around $40-$60. Yet, one thing that makes Wisconsin unique is that many areas also charge an additional fee per square foot of the building. The price ranges from $0.19 – $0.32 per square foot.
Doing some quick math shows us that the average cost for a 10×16 shed permit will be approximately $70.40-$111.20.
Shed Permit Variance
Some areas of WI may allow you to apply for a building variance. This can allow you to have an exception to the permit rule, such as when your building may not be much larger than the maximum allowed without a permit. By asking for a variance, you can completely negate needing a building permit if your plan is approved for variance.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Shed Permit In Wisconsin?

To get a shed permit in Wisconsin, it will typically take 5 days or more to get your shed permit. This allows the local government to review your plans and ask any questions that they may have about the proposed plan.
If you have additional questions or the government has some technical requests that you need help answering, let us know! We would be happy to help you get the answers you need.
What Is The Biggest Shed I Can Get Without A Permit In Wisconsin?

Throughout most of Wisconsin, you can have a shed up to 150 square feet without a building permit.
We offer sheds in this sizing category are 6×6, 6×8, 8×8, 8×10, 8×12, 8×14, 8×16, 10×10, 10×12, 10×14.
Sometimes, people ask: “Can I have multiple sheds on my property that are 150 square feet or less and not get a permit ?” To the best that we know, there are no clear answers to this question.
In most other places across the country, you can have 1 shed without a permit. However, the water can get a bit murky when you want to have multiple buildings that are within the square footage limit.
How Long Is My Shed Permit Valid In Wisconsin?

Generally speaking, your shed permit will be valid for 2 years. This is the case with any building that will be constructed and is 100,000 square feet. If it takes you more than 2 years to get your building, you can submit for a building permit renewed. There may be a small fee that applies to have the permit renewed.
Shed Permit Requitemtins In Our Wisconsin Service Area
Instead of making it difficult to find the permit guides in Wisconsin, we have the links for the towns we serve. At Northwood Outdoor, it is our desire to get the best shed for you. However, it is your responsibility to get the permit from your municipality prior to delivery.
Can My Home Owners Association (HOA) Deny My Shed If I Have A Shed Permit?
Unfortunately yes. HOAs have the authority to deny your shed if it does need to meet the standards that they have set in place. Often times HOAs have sizing requirements, color restrictions, and even roofing material options. This is why we always say it is best to check with your HOA requirements before deciding on the shed that you want.
Do I Need Shed Foundation Plans When Applying For A Permit?
The need for a shed foundation depends on your municipality and building size. If you have a large shed, some municipalities will require you to have a concrete foundation specifically. On the other hand, some municipalities have no requirements, regardless of the size.
Our advice is always to have some foundation. Like the gravel foundation above!
If you do not choose to have a foundation, your shed can wear out more quickly.
If you haven’t considered a shed foundation before, watch the video above. This video will help you understand how to create a quality shed foundation, no matter the size of the shed you select.
Getting a shed permit is not always needed but can be a vital part of getting the shed you have always wanted. We hope the guide that we have above gives you a great place to start on your shed journey.
When you are ready, contact us to get the shed, cabin, or garage of your dreams. We can’t wait to work with you on this project.